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The CP4 pump Bosch should have built, the CPX.
This CPX keeps the OEM, four pumps per engine revolution. The OEM Bosch system is timed, and designed to pump to the bank that is requesting fuel (firing). This is to ensure peak nozzle pressure and less harmonics of high pressure fuel, having to cross over via the balance tube, from one rail to the other. The flaw was nothing to stop the roller lifter from rotating in a vacuum event. (Gel, filter change, low pressure feed issue.) This is why the LML Duramax pumps drop like flies. There is no lift pump to keep positive pressure on the plungers and barrels. This allows a slop, or gap between the cam and the lifter roller. Which allows it to turn. Similar to a roller cam in a engine. When there is no lifter guide or link bar. The lifter rotates, destroying the cam and lifters and filling the engine with hardened metal filings. These filings, are what fills your fuel rails and injectors with debris, ruining them.
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